The Moment Of Our Love
An electric feeling tingled
through my heart
when she moved with the wind
blowing her hair,
temptingly against her face.
When she sauntered
toward the ground,
I stood upon
my mind began to wander
like a young boy
drifting to his secret place.
The coldness melted,
with every spark
flaring from her beauty.
My words were barbed silent
as each subtle movement
she made drew me passionately.
Every tear I had dropped
to the bottom of my heart,
leaving the sight
of loneliness behind.
She mesmerized my eyes,
as the other images around me
floated out of my mind.
The sounds died in sheer silence
when every emotion
igniting within my heart.
She touched me
with a warm luscious feel
flowing through her fingertips,
that made my rough edges soft.
Suddenly my love
hastened to my lips
as the taste of her kiss
sparked my burnt-out flame.
She made an angel’s
broken wing fly
to a celestial place
that never left
my sensations the same.
I held the sensuous flavor
within my lips,
never worrying if it would end.
My breath was held
within her love,
as my mind didn’t care,
if I would breathe again.
My blood boiled
from our scorching heat,
while the shadows
were drowning in sweat.
The moment ended
with a fervor that would
always be there,
although we sought our rest.
She touched my face
leaving the last kiss
within the place
my heart beats.
So I would hold on
to that thought until
the next time
we would meet.
She left with a persuasive
burning in her eyes,
that made me remember
I was alive……